Stephano Barberis

Dallas Smith & HARDY • Some Things Never Change

Erasure • Time (Hearts Full of Love)

Allison Daniels • Who What Where When Why

Meghan Patrick • The Bad Guy

Josh Ramsay & Dallas Smith • Best Of Me

Stephano has spent his life weaving countless epic fables. This little Greek fledgling storyteller began setting the foundation of what was soon to become a life-long obsession with spellbinding anyone within eyeshot. Now, over 200 music videos later, Stephano has garnered 46 Director and Video Of The Year awards, including a Leo Award, 22 consecutive BCCMA's, and 13 CCMA, APCA, SCMA, and CMAO awards, in addition to over 100 nominations (including two MuchMusic MMVA’s). In the process, he has conceived and engineered the careers of countless artists as role of star-maker. The director is now the most awarded music video director in Canadian history.